Daniel Lopez
Advertiser Graphic Designer
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Lynda / LinkedIn Learning Courses

Developed content and instruction for various CSS and front-end focused web development courses including CSS Essential Training, Getting Your Website Online, Design Systems & Architectures and more.
LinkedIn Learning Lynda.comWomen&&Tech

Women&&Tech was launched in 2012 to feature interviews with different women working in the tech industry. I became familiar with them when I was invited to be one of the interviewees! A few years later, I joined the team and helped with the relaunch of the site as the front-end architect.
View the case studyThe Wire Ipsum

After coming back from teaching a JavaScript workshop, I felt inspired to create something just for fun. I realized that of all the content/lorem ipsum generators available, there was nothing for HBO’s The Wire fans. I searched for thewireipsum.com domain and it was available! Generate some content for your projects today.
View live siteEducation
Seneca College - Toronto, ON
Webmaster Content Site Design Certificate, 2006
14 week full-time program covering HTML, CSS, Flash, Photoshop, PHP and JavaScript.
York University - Toronto, ON
Bachelor of Arts with Honours, 2001-2005
Double Major in Communications & Psychology.
San Jose State University - San Jose, CA
General Studies, 2000